Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Mr. Mueller’s Other Shoe

Ah… hold on thar… just a darn ol' minute!

All this celebrating by the Trumpists and wailing, rendering of cloths, etc., by the rest of us is just an itty-bitty bit early. Don’t you think?

I mean the only guy who says he’s read the Mueller Report, Mr. Wm. Barr, says it’s great news for his boss, Mr. Trump. But no one else has so much as held a copy of the report.

All we have is his word as the new Attorney General of the Trump Administration. The last time he did something similar is when he helped Mr. George H.W. Bush and his administration get away the Iran-Contra scandal. Further, this is the guy who claimed, it’s “…legally impossible for a sitting president to obstruct justice, and even if they did, he cannot be prosecuted for it while in office”.

Obviously, we will clearly benefit when someone other than Mr. Barr reads Mr. Mueller’s Report.

After that, there’s a lot more to come for Mr. Trump and for the rest of us to endure. For starters,  Mr. William Rivers Pitt, Truthout.org, lists the following:

  • Roger Stone is set for trial in November;
  • The Southern District of New York investigation into Trump’s payments of hush money via Michael Cohen is ongoing;
  • Multiple state and federal officials are investigating the shenanigans that went into the collection of a record $107 million by Trump’s inaugural committee;
  • The New York Department of Financial Services is investigating whether Trump illegally inflated his net worth to insurance companies per Michael Cohen’s congressional testimony;
  • The New York attorney general is investigating Trump’s questionable dealings with Deutsche Bank;
  • The Trump Foundation is under investigation for what that attorney general has called a “shocking pattern of illegality”;
  • The New York State tax department is investigating Trump’s decades-long tax schemes;
  • Federal and state investigators are looking into Trump’s hiring of undocumented workers;
  • … and on top of all this are the ongoing investigations by the House Intelligence Committee, the Judiciary Committee, the Oversight Committee, the Financial Services Committee, the Ways and Means Committee, and the Foreign Affairs Committee. 

I think I'll wait a while... just to take a gander at Mr. Mueller's old shoe.

Yogi Berra: The man behind 'It ain't over till it's over' - BBC News

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