Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Voting for Coach

Gov. Tim Walz

Maybe you remember someone from your days past who helped you become the person you are today. 

I sure do. 

They were high school and college teachers and friends. And, certainly, my parents, who helped me through tough times and hard choices. 

Among them were three coaches. Coach Toth who introduced me to soccer. He was a Hungarian Olympian refugee. Coach Gillespie, who coached us through junior high and into high school. Then, against all odds, directed creation of our non-approved high school soccer league. Finally, track and cross-country coach Auten helped me overcome a sandlot football concussion that nearly sidelined all my aspirations.

I remember their kindness, support and words of encouragement. 

They were and are my heroes because they were living proof that I could overcome my self-limitations and reach my goals.

I see and hear them when Coach… Gov. Tim Walz speaks.

I’m voting for him this November.

‘Clear eyes, full heart’: the unlikely championship that launched Tim Walz , Andrew Lawrence

Wed 21 Aug 2024, The Guardian.

Monday, July 1, 2024

You Are the President!


Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus

So, Mr. President, the Supreme Court has just ruled that you have immunity from prosecution no matter what you do. Even if you order a Seal Team to assassinate one of your rivals.

That means you, sir, have the power to save our Democracy from Trumpian Maga Insurrectionists right now. 

Use it!

Arrest Trump and his fellow insurrectionist supporters.

Take the action that the Republican insurrectionists never imagined you would do. Trump paved this path thinking he would become dictator. But the Supreme Court has just unknowingly given you the power, as well. 

You, sir, are the President.

Follow in the steps of Cincinnatus and save our Constitution. Save the USA.

Cincinnatus - A Leader Geo. Washington Respected

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus  (519 BC – 430 BC) a Roman aristocrat and statesman whose service as consul in 460 BC and dictator in 458 BC and 439 BC made him a model of civic virtue. Twice granted supreme power, Cincinnatus held onto it for not a day longer than absolutely necessary. Early in his life, due to the actions of his son, Caeso Quinctius, Cincinnatus was forced to pay an immense fine, to sell most of his lands and compelled to live in humble circumstances on a small farm, where he and his family were able to subsist on the work of his hands. George Washington admired Cincinnatus. Today, would we value or denigrate Cincinnatus for placing public service above personal gain? (Wikipedia)

Monday, May 6, 2024

A Gnat's Memory

On campuses, students are protesting injustice once again.

Governments are standing silent once again.

Thousands are needlessly dying once again.

And we, the people, are once again doing nothing to stop the insanity.

American’s, it is said, have a gnat’s memory. 

Please go here for the rest of the story:

When Demagogues & Incompetence Rule Innocents Die

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Evil Returns 2


After seeing Thom Hartmann’s recent video recapping Trump’s intentions when he wins office, I am sincerely frightened for our future. Rise & Fall of the Second Trump Reich - A Cautionary Tale 

For me, the only time that I remember feeling such fear was in 1970 after the Kent State murders and seeing Cleveland TV news reports of some Kent, Ohio townies demanding that the Ohio National Guard bayonet all KSU students. Please see my article: When Demagogues & Incompetence Rule Innocents Die

Way back in high school I had already determined that I didn’t want to be used by the “powers that be” as an instrument for killing people. But with the draft board I had no standing as a “conscientious objector” because of my family’s traditional religious affiliation and because of the Selective Service Lottery, I knew I would be drafted after graduating from the University of Akron. 

Seeing no alternative, I enlisted because the Army agreed to let me become a medic after graduating.

In the Army while traveling, we were required to wear our uniforms and I remember people openly hostile toward us, calling us “baby killers”. I also remember one “friend” calling me a coward for not going to Canada to escape the draft. 

The times were troubled and confusing. Yet back then we (the young people) knew that our elders would not hesitate to sacrifice us to the gods of war in order to make themselves wealthy.

Too, on my mind, I remembered that my family members came to the U.S. and fought in the Revolutionary War. One received a land grant in exchange for his service. And. since the 1800s, my ancestors have served our nation in the U.S. military and/or as medical personnel in nearly every conflict or war.

As a result,  I have never thought of abandoning the U.S. and to this day seriously maintain my Army enlistment oath to, “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”.

Today, I am a worried old man. Should Mr. Trump be re-elected, will I be forced to take up arms to defend my nation, my heritage, and my oath?

God help us all.