Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Looking for “Capsoulism”

The other day the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) made an announcement claiming that the Congressional Democrats were treating Mr. Trump unfairly – not ensuring him with due process. Transparency, they said was missing – regarding the impeachment investigation. Further, they claimed, Congress favors criminals and illegals, defending them over police officers.

Interesting, I thought. I know that some police have made it clear they want more freedom to abuse the rights of Americans by beating, shooting, even killing – all in the name of self-defense, and perhaps, justice, too.

Interesting, also, I thought, that the FOP believes it needs to defend the king of obstructionism,  obliterator of  human rights, and ignorer of laws.

Odd, is it not, that many of Mr. Trump’s loyal supporters voted for him because they earnestly believed he’d drain the “swamp” and make government work for them.

After three years it is fair to ask, “So, how is that working for you?”

What about the $3 trillion Mr. Trump and the Rs added to the national debt by cutting taxes for the rich and the corporations? How about the expansion of the defense budget by more than $133 billion? And, about those manufacturing jobs… ad infinitum.

Look, the systems is just not working for average Joes – like me – or, other average Joes and Janes, like police officers, either.

The Common Good

We must change our game from the current out of control predatory capitalism and make it evolve into modern "Capsoulism". That would be “capitalism” with a soul inside. A system that works for the common good.

We need to eliminate the pain we feel when we go to the grocery store. We need relief from the stress that engulfs us knowing that our paychecks have retrogressed well past today's cost of living. To say work is no longer satisfying is to admit that our daily quota continues to move upward while our reward remains rooted in the 1970s. Management gets the big bucks while we must choose between feeding the family, paying the rent, paying for grandma’s prescriptions, or her hospital bill.

Something is really out of whack. Our current version of U.S. capitalism is just not cutting it.

Could it be because we have managed to delete our collective conscious, our souls?

We are literally spending all our efforts trying to make a living within an out of control, predatory capitalistic monstrosity that requires sacrificing grandma and our children on the insatiable altar of conspicuous consumption.

I think it’s time to take a lesson from the Republicans who excel at moving the goalposts on the clueless Democrats.

So, let’s try this - stop trying to make the corporate CEOs and the big banks happy.

Let’s end corporate welfare and begin to pull ourselves out of the swamp muck by simply doing what’s called “the common good”.

That translates into:

Make every law, every decision meet only one test - if it is not good for everyone... it's not good for anyone.

Finally, one more thing.

Until we make “weapons of war” a nonprofit, free for the common good, enterprise, we will always have wars and killing. We will never experience peace until the profit is taken out of war making.

Now, I feel better.

How about you?

The Simpsons - Homer Sells His Soul For A Donut - 2017

We all are selling our souls for a donut. But the devil is making us pay in the here and now.

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