Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Sowing Pain and Chaos

Credit: Alternet
Look, it appears that one sold out to the Russians oligarchs (please see this in-depth report, The Moscow Project, Bailed Out by Russia.) and now the other has been outed for his connections with Chinese oligarchs.

Normally, I'd say, "Who cares." This is all just typical Republican corruption.

But today one of these guys is President of the US and the other is the Republican Majority Leader of the US Senate.

Together they are holding our nation hostage with their federal government shutout BS. They're sowing more and more pain and chaos with each passing day; destroying the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans, forcing government workers and suppliers into charity food banks; and driving us all closer to economic recession.

Well, then... just who are these guys working for?

One hundred cat’s eye marbles say… it’s not the people of the United States.

Marvin Gaye - What's Going On - 1971

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