Wednesday, November 18, 2015

We Are Winning… To The Victor Go the Refugees

Listening to a couple of mainstream news shows yesterday and today I was struck by how quickly Republican governors displayed their xenophobia with regard to settling already "vetted" Syrian refugees. The politicians wore their fear on their chests like a badge of honor all the while touting their newly discovered concern for their citizens' welfare.

It seems again predictable that on this issue, one which they have no constitutional authority and risk nothing politically, they have discovered their voice of concern.

Putting those observations aside for a moment, it is obvious that keeping war refugees out of the U.S. is simply stupid.


Well, in addition to the humanitarian reason, the first and most important reason, to settle refugees in the USA, it also is Realpolitik to bring as many as possible “vetted” refugees into the U.S. because they want a better life than they have had and they believe they will find it in America.

They have risked their lives for a chance to live as Americans.

Assuming we are “fighting” for the American Way of Life, then we have won these people over to it. Have we not?

That fact alone is the weapon the ISIS people can not overcome.

We should be welcoming these refugees with open arms.

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