Friday, January 31, 2020

Is There a Moral Face? Surprisingly, Maybe

As I read accounts of the Republican dominated Senate pulling every disgusting trick invented to avoid their Constitutional responsibilities and end the most corrupt and psychopathic presidency in the history of the nation, it is hard to imagine that global corporations will adopt “corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives focused on solving societal and environmental concerns”.

But that is exactly what this article suggests.

Why? Because their employees demand it and it's positive for their bottom line.

Perhaps there is some modicum of hope for us after all.

Here’s the story…

Employees want genuine corporate social responsibility, not greenwashing, Magda B.l. Donia, The Conversation,, 30 Jan 2020.

"Employees want their companies to be genuine in their embrace of corporate social responsibility, and have no appetite for self-serving efforts."

"Described as the "moral face of globalization," corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives focused on solving societal and environmental concerns are increasingly expected by society, especially younger generations."

"Millennials are particularly principled, with some studies suggesting they care more about purpose than a paycheck when it comes to work. A report by Hewitt and Associates found that "corporate social responsibility can improve (the) … bottom line, in part by giving … the most engaged employees a reason to stay and work harder."

"That means organizations have an additional reason to engage in CSR—it has a positive impact on their own employees."

"In fact, companies that engage in CSR report positive consequences on important outcomes such as the appeal of the organization to job applicants, employee commitment to the organization, job satisfaction and job performance."


"Greed is Good", Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) Wall Street - 1987 

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Incapable of Empathy or Sympathy

New research coming out of the University of Georgia may lead to improved (TBI) treatments.*
What do you get when your President is a psychopath, a person incapable of empathy or sympathy?

Well, here is just one example for why I would not want this man to be my commanding officer.

Mr. President, how many U.S. personnel sustained injuries from the recent Iranian missile attack and what were their injuries?

"President Donald Trump had initially said he was told that no troops had been injured in the Jan. 8 strike. The military said symptoms were not immediately reported after the strike and in some cases became known days later."

"After the first reports that some soldiers had been hurt, Trump referred to them as “headaches” and said the cases were not as serious as injuries involving the loss of limbs."

What is The truth? 

This comes from a recent report…While no one was killed during the strike, 34 sustained traumatic brain injuries (TBI).

"…18 were evacuated from Iraq to U.S. medical facilities in Germany and Kuwait, and 16 stayed in Iraq. Seventeen of the 18 evacuees were sent to Germany, and nine remain there; the other eight have been transported to the United States for continued observation or treatment."

“The one American sent to Kuwait has since returned to duty. All 16 of those who were diagnosed with TBI and remained in Iraq have since returned to duty."

Here are some facts:

A TBI is much more serious than "just headaches".

How many of our people return from combat with TBIs?

"...TBI among returning service members range from 15.2% to 22.8%, affecting as many as 320,000 troops."

"Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) includes concussion, subconcussion, and most exposures to explosive blast from improvised explosive devices. mTBI is the most common traumatic brain injury affecting military personnel; however, it is the most difficult to diagnose and the least well understood. It is also recognized that some mTBIs have persistent, and sometimes progressive, long-term debilitating effects. Increasing evidence suggests that a single traumatic brain injury can produce long-term gray and white matter atrophy, precipitate or accelerate age-related neurodegeneration, and increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and motor neuron disease."

Fortunately, we are doing more than giving aspirin to try to help TBI patients.

* New Technology Could Help Treat Traumatic Brain Injury, Mark Terry,, 13 Dec 2019.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Our Leaders Are Psychopaths

We all know something is really wrong with our world.

Our leaders are not on our side.

They are not working for us but against us and using our resources to do it,too.

Now what do we do?

Here's the story...

Episode 090 – Our Leaders Are Psychopaths

They walk among us. On the outside. they’re just like you and me, but on the inside they are unfeeling automatons who care only for themselves. They are the psychopaths, and they are in control of our governments, our corporations, our military and all of the positions of power. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we delve into Political Ponerology, a diagnosis of our politicians and a brief look at the bigger picture

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