Friday, July 6, 2012

Fiddlers All... But Only in America!

While our leaders “fiddle” other world leaders are actually trying to bring their economies back from the abyss and solve energy problems while employing their people through sustainable energy technology. At least they have a plan... what a novel idea!

Once again, our “competition” is being led by an American. From Mr. Peabody’s WABAC Machine: Some automotive people are old enough to remember Dr. W. Edward Deming. The Japanese automotive people adapted some of his ideas while American auto industry leaders “fiddled.” Those smart Japanese not only ate our lunch but our supper, too!

Once again, it’s an American (Jeremy Rifkin) showing others the way to prosperity while our leaders contemplate their navels. Here's one of Rifkin's interviews:


gold price said...

There were gadgets and robots galore at Japan's premier electronics show this week. But one of the biggest attractions wasn't anything you could touch — an energy efficient city of the future.

silver price said...

The project—located outside Tokyo in Tsukuba City, Japan, a major center for scientific R&D —involves a partnership between more than a dozen pioneering leaders from around the globe and demonstrates EnerDel's expertise in the global clean tech marketplace. It serves as an exhibition of a highly advanced direct current rapid recharge system, as well as a secondary use model for fixed in-vehicle batteries. The project is designed to showcase the valuable afterlife batteries can have in stationary grid applications once they are cycled through their useful vehicular lifespan, where operating parameters are much less taxing. A viable battery aftermarket would significantly lower costs for both automotive and utility buyers.

ron1976 said...

Thank you for posting! I expect that Japan will be a major player in the new economy and sustainable energy... and sustainable healthcare, too.

ron1976 said...

I'd like to learn more. We have now witnessed several technological advancements in batteries and solarcell, since your post in July. I believe we will soon see home units which will be inexpensive and efficient power centers. It will change our world!