Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Voting for Coach

Gov. Tim Walz

Maybe you remember someone from your days past who helped you become the person you are today. 

I sure do. 

They were high school and college teachers and friends. And, certainly, my parents, who helped me through tough times and hard choices. 

Among them were three coaches. Coach Toth who introduced me to soccer. He was a Hungarian Olympian refugee. Coach Gillespie, who coached us through junior high and into high school. Then, against all odds, directed creation of our non-approved high school soccer league. Finally, track and cross-country coach Auten helped me overcome a sandlot football concussion that nearly sidelined all my aspirations.

I remember their kindness, support and words of encouragement. 

They were and are my heroes because they were living proof that I could overcome my self-limitations and reach my goals.

I see and hear them when Coach… Gov. Tim Walz speaks.

I’m voting for him this November.

‘Clear eyes, full heart’: the unlikely championship that launched Tim Walz , Andrew Lawrence

Wed 21 Aug 2024, The Guardian.

Monday, July 1, 2024

You Are the President!


Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus

So, Mr. President, the Supreme Court has just ruled that you have immunity from prosecution no matter what you do. Even if you order a Seal Team to assassinate one of your rivals.

That means you, sir, have the power to save our Democracy from Trumpian Maga Insurrectionists right now. 

Use it!

Arrest Trump and his fellow insurrectionist supporters.

Take the action that the Republican insurrectionists never imagined you would do. Trump paved this path thinking he would become dictator. But the Supreme Court has just unknowingly given you the power, as well. 

You, sir, are the President.

Follow in the steps of Cincinnatus and save our Constitution. Save the USA.

Cincinnatus - A Leader Geo. Washington Respected

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus  (519 BC – 430 BC) a Roman aristocrat and statesman whose service as consul in 460 BC and dictator in 458 BC and 439 BC made him a model of civic virtue. Twice granted supreme power, Cincinnatus held onto it for not a day longer than absolutely necessary. Early in his life, due to the actions of his son, Caeso Quinctius, Cincinnatus was forced to pay an immense fine, to sell most of his lands and compelled to live in humble circumstances on a small farm, where he and his family were able to subsist on the work of his hands. George Washington admired Cincinnatus. Today, would we value or denigrate Cincinnatus for placing public service above personal gain? (Wikipedia)

Monday, May 6, 2024

A Gnat's Memory

On campuses, students are protesting injustice once again.

Governments are standing silent once again.

Thousands are needlessly dying once again.

And we, the people, are once again doing nothing to stop the insanity.

American’s, it is said, have a gnat’s memory. 

Please go here for the rest of the story:

When Demagogues & Incompetence Rule Innocents Die

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Evil Returns 2


After seeing Thom Hartmann’s recent video recapping Trump’s intentions when he wins office, I am sincerely frightened for our future. Rise & Fall of the Second Trump Reich - A Cautionary Tale 

For me, the only time that I remember feeling such fear was in 1970 after the Kent State murders and seeing Cleveland TV news reports of some Kent, Ohio townies demanding that the Ohio National Guard bayonet all KSU students. Please see my article: When Demagogues & Incompetence Rule Innocents Die

Way back in high school I had already determined that I didn’t want to be used by the “powers that be” as an instrument for killing people. But with the draft board I had no standing as a “conscientious objector” because of my family’s traditional religious affiliation and because of the Selective Service Lottery, I knew I would be drafted after graduating from the University of Akron. 

Seeing no alternative, I enlisted because the Army agreed to let me become a medic after graduating.

In the Army while traveling, we were required to wear our uniforms and I remember people openly hostile toward us, calling us “baby killers”. I also remember one “friend” calling me a coward for not going to Canada to escape the draft. 

The times were troubled and confusing. Yet back then we (the young people) knew that our elders would not hesitate to sacrifice us to the gods of war in order to make themselves wealthy.

Too, on my mind, I remembered that my family members came to the U.S. and fought in the Revolutionary War. One received a land grant in exchange for his service. And. since the 1800s, my ancestors have served our nation in the U.S. military and/or as medical personnel in nearly every conflict or war.

As a result,  I have never thought of abandoning the U.S. and to this day seriously maintain my Army enlistment oath to, “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”.

Today, I am a worried old man. Should Mr. Trump be re-elected, will I be forced to take up arms to defend my nation, my heritage, and my oath?

God help us all.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Evil Returns


This past Veteran's Day, as every day for me, I remembered my father's sacrifice during WWII. 

As a member of the 80th Infantry Division, Third Army, Dad fought nearly constant combat from Omaha Beach and into Germany. Twice wounded and nearly frozen during the Battle of the Bulge, Dad learned first hand the evils of Hitler's Nazi war machine and the horrendous cost that was required to defeat it.

Mr. Trump's reprise of the Nazi propaganda that unleased evil on the world during the 1930s-40s is a clear statement of his intentions if elected in 2024. God save us if we allow that to happen.

Fascism Expert Offers Truly Chilling Take On Donald Trump’s ‘Vermin’ Rant

Mehdi Hasan Reveals 1 Word Used By Trump That Should 'Terrify' Everyone

Trump offers striking candor about post-2024 weaponization plans

Trump’s plans if he returns to the White House include deportation raids, tariffs and mass firings

Monday, September 11, 2023

9/11 NO Truth NO Answers


Nothing has changed since I last posted this article one year ago... with one important exception... the general public is now witnessing application of a plethora of "directed energy weapons" technologies.

We, the public, are still waiting for truthful answers. Who organized and carried out this heinous crime? Who was complicit within our government? How was it committed? Who funded it? Why was it perpetrated?

Many of us want to know the truth.

Similar to the day President Kennedy was murdered, I remember where I was and what I was doing when the World Trade Center Towers the other five WTC buildings were destroyed, 11 Sept 2001, don’t you?

I turned the TV on that morning to see if there was some reason why my Internet connection had suddenly frozen up. Perhaps, I speculated, someone had demolished the Comcast cable somewhere close by.

Instead of a car accident, I learned that the one of the WTC towers was on fire. I didn’t know it then, but our world had changed again, once more in a very bad way.

An estimated 200 people jumped to their deaths .
In shock, I suspect, after seeing several people jump from the WTC, I later accepted our government’s explanation of the collapse of the impossibly huge buildings. After all, I’d seen it all on TV, hadn’t I?

Never, for a second, did I question where the mammoth tons and tons of rubble went that day - the steel and the building contents. Nor did I question why they fell so quickly and without damaging the building close by.

Brooklyn Youth Chorus sang "I Will Remember You".
Years later, during the 9/11 10th anniversary, I was overcome with sorrow and empathy listening to the Brooklyn Youth Chorus’ beautiful rendition of Sarah McLacklan’s song, I Will Remember You.(1.) In my mind I kept replaying the tragic scene: the jumpers… hundreds of first responders… and thousands of WTC workers… all lost their lives while I sat, horrified, in my office and watched via TV.

Something ignited my mind that day. Perhaps the catalyst was the replay of the buildings collapsing or the emergency personnel recounting their stories – whatever it was, I began to look back at 9/11. I started reading all I could find about how both of the towers could have collapsed so quickly due to a fire located so high up in the structures. I found that the official report really didn’t explain the collapse at all, and especially, nothing was offered to explain the lack of rubble on the day of the collapse.

Steel turns to dust in mid air.
Dr. Judy Wood

Then I discovered Dr. Judy Wood’s (2.) videos, her website and her case against the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the people Congress hired to file the explanatory report.

Here is how UK researcher Andrew Johnson explained the NIST report in his book, Finding the Truth: “NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), was tasked with analysing the cause of the destruction of WTC towers 1,2 and 7. When studied objectively, their report for WTC 1 & 2 fails to answer how the “pancake” collapse theory explains the evidence observed on the day – such as the complete pulverisation of most of the towers – including hundreds of steel girders – in about 10 seconds each. Readily available photos also illustrate the glaring lack of any “pancakes” in the WTC rubble pile.”

Jerry V. Leaphart, J.D., Attorney, NIST Requests for Correction
“Elements of the final NIST WTC reports have been the subject of a Legal Challenge (3.) by Professors Morgan Reynolds (Emeritus, Texas A & M University) and Professor of Mechanical Engineering Judy Wood (formerly of Clemson University, South Carolina). Their challenge was first made as a “Request for Correction” and then in two “Qui Tam” cases. These cases, unsealed in 2007, outlined how, as it is framed, the NIST study of the WTC collapse was fraudulent and deceptive. Indeed, the very title of the main report “The Collapse of the World Trade Centre Towers” is itself misleading, because the towers did not collapse, they turned to dust.”.( 4.)

Once clear of the shock of learning that the NIST report seemed eerily similar to the Warren Commission report, i.e. both avoided discussing clearly important aspects of the crimes they were charged to investigate, I devoted countess hours to studying what Dr. Wood had uncovered.

What happened to the two tallest buildings in North America, the WTC towers, and the other five WTC buildings on 9/11?

I did not want to accept Dr. Wood’s findings. Frankly, it was simply too shocking for me to believe the forensic evidence she had complied and the truth she uncovered. Now, nearly three years later (now, 11 Sept 2023) as I write this article, I have come to the place in my life that I can, once again accept the facts of life. This time, ferreted out by Dr. Wood, at considerable personal cost to her, the evidence clearly shows that the towers did not fall… they were not taken down by two aircraft. No, something much more sinister took place on 9/11 and the “cover up” continues to play out to this very day.

 Please click though to Dr. Judy Wood's interview with Theo Chalmers. Although it is lengthy, Chalmers conducts one of the most insightful interviews of Dr. Wood. 25 Oct 2011, One Step Beyond, with Theo Chalmers, SKY 200 (U.K.). Source of video, Andrew Johnson.
What “weapon” could possible “dustify” those two massive towers, WTC 1 & 2 - 110 stories each, and make them disappear into clouds of dust in less than 10 seconds, leaving relatively little rubble on the ground? How did that happen?

Please go here for enlargement with full description.
For certain, no matter how big and how fast they were flying upon impact, not even two massive Boeings with resulting fires could have “disappeared” those two massive buildings, PLUS destroy the other five WTC buildings which were also obliterated that day, WTC 3 – 22 stories; WTC 4 – 9 stories; WTC5 – 9 stories; WTC 6 – 8 stories; and WTC 7 – 47 stories; AND create a plethora of never-before-seen phenomena as far away as one mile from the WTC.

Please go here for enlargement with full description.
Dr Judy Wood has assembled the forensic evidence.(5.) If we allow ourselves to see, hear and read it we may be on the path toward discovering the horrific truths about 9/11.

We begin by considering the question she asks: Do you know of anything that can turn a building to dust in mid air? And, then some of the principal data that must be explained, please go to Dr. Wood's website, wtc page. section: B. Some of the principal data that must be explained.

Second, at the 2012 Breakthrough Energy Movement (BEM) conference in Holland (6.) (and a number of other presentations and interviews), Dr. Wood explained, “The towers did not slam to the ground. If they had slammed to the ground (following a controlled demolition or as a result of catastrophic structural failure resulting from airplanes hitting the buildings):
1. There would be over 1,250,000 tons of debris piled on the ground. (Didn't happen)
2. Manhattan would have been flooded. (Didn't happen)
3. The seismic recordings would have reflected two 500,000-ton buildings and one 230,000-ton building slamming to the ground. (Didn't happen)”

Go here for a larger, readable image.
So, what brought the towers down? The evidence, Dr. Wood has concluded, points to a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW). Dr Wood offers a clear, easily understood comparison of summary of the evidence in her book and in her presentations. Her findings are well documented and directly on target, especially given that she has been the trailblazer in describing an exceedingly complex, entirely new and, until 9/11, publicly unknown destructive force used with impunity upon innocent people whose only mistake was going to work that day.

Really? Directed Energy Weapons - Star Wars? I'll bet your first thought was that Star Wars weapons really don't exist, except in Hollywood. If that's your thought, well, you'd be wrong. Not only do they exist, they are in operation today. There's even a professional association devoted to the craft, the Directed Energy Professional Society. What kinds of weapons do we have? There are many. Check out this video from the U. S. Air Force Research Lab's Directed Energy Directorate Directed Energy Directorate:

Video not visible? Go to this YouTube URL:
Or, visit the website: US Air Force Directed Energy Directorate, Kirtland Air Force Base

Of course what you see above is one of the weapons we are using today in public view. We have no idea what the classified weapons are or what they can do.

In one of Dr. Wood’s most recent interviews (and also one of the best to date) George Noory, Coast to Coast AM (7. ), doggedly worked to understand the technology used to destroy the WTC. Finally, after being asked several times to name the type of directed energy weapon used to destroy the WTC on 11 Sept 2001, Dr. Judy Wood answered, maintaining her forensic scientist position:

Dr. Wood: “What the evidence shows is that you can eliminate kinetic energy as a destructive mechanism. Kinetic energy means that the buildings were beaten to death, like a gravity collapse, wreaking ball, missile or bomb. Thermal energy means the buildings were cooked to death, lots of heat. Those two things the evidence rules out. But, directed energy, as I define it, is energy that is instructed to do something differently than it normally does. Instead of the bonding forces of matter being attracted to each other, they are directed to repel each other. It is not like something physically hitting it or cooking it. And, within that, it's a big umbrella of things.”

Dr. Wood: “A lot of people are uncomfortable about that. They want to have a device - Acme model whatever it is. But, we can look at parallel evidence that produces the same thing. The source of the energy, she explained, "...could have been anywhere... it could be the energy comes from the material. I want to get away from a point and shoot laser beam. It was more of a field effect."

George Noory: How much energy was needed to destroy these buildings?
Wood: It could even have been negative energy. If you can understand the mechanism – that’s the beauty of this – if there is a silver lining in this – it is that this technology was used for destructive purposes, but it doesn’t have to be (used that way). It can be used for good purposes… for providing free energy to the world.”

Dr. Wood: “If you have the ability to affect the nature of matter – instead of atoms attracting each other, they are repelling each other – if you give it that instruction… it isn’t like you have to put in a lot of energy, create bonds and use energy that way, it could be that the energy come from the material.”

Dr. Wood: “Actually, (regarding) the dust cloud that rolled down the street, first responders that I talked to said, that it was cooler than ambient temperature, in other words, not hot. It was cooler. Then it began feeling warm…you know when you put acid on your hand it feels like it’s burning up but it could be room temperature. There was something in the dust that was eating on their skin. They were scrubbing in the shower afterward; they just couldn’t get it off.”

Dr. Wood: "I want to get away from the idea of a point and shoot laser beam, it’s more of a field effect, like the coverage range of your cell phone… it’s a zone of effect.”

George Noory: Do you ever, Dr. Wood, get into the Who?
Dr. Wood: No, but I got closer than anyone has, in the public domain, that is. I pretty much know who knows. And that is who I tried to take to court. These were contractors on the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) report. They were mandated by Congress to find why and how the towers collapsed. They didn’t do that. I wrote a request for correction to NIST saying that their contractors were leading them astray. You can’t sue a government agency but we can sue contractors for fraud of a government agency. There are a couple of the contractors, one in particular, which had the most number of people on the contract, on the NIST report. They are developers and manufacturers of energy weapons. Not only that, they also had and still have, I believe, a contract with the U.S. government to know everything about any weapon of mass destruction that exists or is being developed anywhere. So, not only do they know what technology there is, they know whose technology it is. Wouldn’t it have been nice to have them under oath?

Dr. Wood: "Why not ask ARA (Applied Research Associates, Inc. )? They are the directed energy weapons experts."

Third, from that day in September 2001, Dr. Wood has taken tremendous personal risk to voice her findings both to her peers, the general public and via the judicial system. After shifting through huge amounts of forensic evidence and literally overcoming a barrage of character assassination attempts to discredit her, Dr. Wood continues to stand alone, well above her critics, as the qualified expert with the correct academic and professional credentials, training and experience. In other words, she really does know what she is talking about because she has the interdisciplinary education, training and experience to pull the forensic evidence together.

I don’t know why Dr. Wood left her position at Clemson. But, what I can say is that the alumni, faculty, administration and student body of Clemson should honor her and restore her status as a full professor, with full back pay and benefits, for her years of trail blazing forensic scientific work, applied engineering expertise and dedication to ferreting out the truth about the crime of the century. Clemson should be honored to be associated with Dr. Wood. Dr. Judy Wood is an American Hero - a World Hero. She is also something rarer today. She is a member of a breed which I feel is nearly extinct - Dr. Judy Wood is a Patriot.

Who benefited from 9/11?
Certainly the usual suspects – the armaments industry and the financiers of war, the bankers – have gained immeasurably from 9/11.

Who could have orchestrated 9/11? 
Only those in the highest levels of our own government at the time could have pulled off the “terrorist” action on a day when our air defenses were “off line” and our military and federal law enforcement people were effectively out of action, running several training exercises.

Who predicted a “new Pearl Harbor”? 
The “NEO-CON” directors and signatories to Statement of Principles of the Project for a New American Century, the future members of the G.W. Bush administration, wrote about it prior to taking office. They even advertised it in published reports (September 2000) and full page display ads. See: Section V of Rebuilding America's Defenses, entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force", includes the sentence: "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor"  

“Though not arguing that Bush administration PNAC members were complicit in those attacks, other social critics such as journalist Mark Danner, journalist John Pilger, in New Statesman, and former editor of The San Francisco Chronicle, Bernard Weiner, in CounterPunch, all argue that PNAC members used the events of 9/11 as the "Pearl Harbor" that they needed––that is, as an "opportunity" to "capitalize on" (in Pilger's words), in order to enact long-desired plans.

Who obstructed justice?
According to the Washington Post, 7 May 2004,  “Six air traffic controllers provided accounts of their communications with hijacked planes on Sept. 11, 2001, on a tape recording that was later destroyed by a Federal Aviation Administration manager…But months after the recording was made… another FAA manager decided on his own to destroy the tape, crushing it with his hands, cutting it into small pieces and depositing the pieces into several trash cans.”(8.) For more about 9/11 and obstruction, please go here.

Who has lost because of 9 /11?
We the People lost. Just consider the civil liberties we have given up under the USA PATRIOT Act. (USA PATRIOT Act) is actually an acronym for: Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001), the Military Commission Act and the National Defense Authorization Act, which permits any person, citizens included, to be arrested without charge and held indefinitely without access to a lawyer or a trial. It even permits torture. This is not to mention the loss of more than $4.5 trillion spent on the “War on Terrorism”, the loss of close to 2 million innocent Iraqis and Afghans and 6,000 of our sons and daughters.

Again, we have lived through acts of unspeakably evil. To this very day, this very minute, the monstrosity which occurred on 11 Sept 2001, frightens me; fills me with compassion for those who lost their lives and for their loved ones who must carry on without them; and empowers me with a sense of duty to ferret out the soulless beings responsible for this heinous crime against humanity.

Now, knowing with absolute certainty that not one of us is safe in our own homes or businesses, we all should fear that once again we will discover that the trail of the soulless evil beings who perpetrated this crime will bring us back to our own government.

1. Please listen to the Brooklyn Youth Chorus performance on the 10th Anniversary of the 9/11 Murders. I have been unable to relocate the YouTube video version of the BYC performance. However, I offer a poor, but acceptable audio version, which I posted to my eMCC, LLC website after the 9/11 10th ceremony.
2. Dr. Wood’s professional credentials:
B.S. Civil Engineering, 1981 Structural Engineering,
M.S. Engineering Mechanics Applied Physics, 1983, and
Ph.D. Materials Engineering Science, 1992, from the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia. Her dissertation involved the development of an experimental method to measure thermal stresses in bimaterial joints. She has taught courses including: Experimental Stress Analysis, Engineering Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials (Strength of Materials), Experimental Stress Analysis, Engineering Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials (Strength of Materials), Strength of Materials Testing
See Dr. Wood’s bio here.
3. Go here for details about the only legal case regarding the NIST findings about WTC 9/11 - Request For Corrections and Other Legal Challenges. Go here for an interview with Attorney Jerry Leaphart.
4. 9/11 Finding the Truth PDF, Andrew K. Johnson, pg 59/11 Finding the Truth  is available in several formats, including PDF, audio, Kindle and paperback. Please go here for the paperback version or here.
5. Where Did theTowers Go? – The Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 9/11, by Dr. Judy Wood or Amazon: “This book is a forensic analysis of what effectively is a crime scene. Ground Zero and the surrounding areas were photographed countless thousands of times, yet no one really assessed all of the phenomena found in these photographs. What is presented in this book is not a theory and it is not speculation. It is evidence. It is the body of empirical evidence that must be explained in order to determine what happened at Ground Zero.” See book review by Eric Larsen, Ph.D., 17 Apr 2011
6. Dr. Wood’s presentation at the Breakthrough Energy Movement (BEM) Conference, Holland, 2012, courtesy of Andrew Johnson, The Journal of 9/11 Research and 9/11 Issues .
7. Coast to Coast AM, 11 Sept 2014, Interview with George Noory 
8. "FAA Managers Destroyed 9/11 Tape Recording Contained Accounts of Communications With Hijacked Planes", By Sara Kehaulani Goo, Staff Writer, The Washington Post, Thursday, May 6, 2004; 6:16 PM.

About two of the images in our 9/11 montage:
John Seward Johnson II's Double Check Statue
Kneeling Fireman Statue

More Information?
Please read, “Was 9/11 an Inside Job?”, Whiteout Press, 4 Sept 2011
and “Arguments from 9/11 Conspiracy Debunkers”, Whiteout Press, 6 Sept 2011

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Liberty Through the Grace of God


Multiple indictments are pending across multiple states and the federal government.

With the Grace of God, may we soon put Trumpian era chaos behind us. 

It is a good time for the United States to begin to shed our dystopian, evil doppelgänger self and like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, bloom into our full promise as described in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. 

Traditionally, the Christian religion has seen the yellow butterfly as a symbol of resurrection, a metamorphosis of sorts, by the Grace of God.

May it be so for us, the USA. Liberty is resurrected.

Case 1:23-cr-00257-TSC Document 1 Filed 08/01/23 Page 1 of 45